AlgiGOLD Is Derived From Algae To Help Your Body and Mind
AlgiGOLD is a byproduct of our internationally patent protected technology and proprietary strains of algae. Omega-3 algal EPA is produced by our algae strains and is purified in a unique process to make AlgiGOLD. AlgiGOLD can be a cost-effective, vegan, and sustainable addition to many products in order to increase health benefits and lower the environmental footprint.
By utilizing an isolated production process we are able to achieve an exceptionally high purity standard for our algal EPA oil. With this process, we are able to also isolate our algal EPA from any outside pollutants and impurities that can be found in omega-3 fatty acids that are obtained in the traditionally way by wild caught fish or open ponds.

AlgiSys Utilizes The Tech With Highest Yield
While the EPA and DHA components of omega-3 oils can be incredibly beneficial for for health, the current resources that provide them can supply far below the demand if the population were keeping up with the recommended daily dose of these compounds. The featured chart demonstrates the amount of fish in thousands of tons that would be required to supply the appropriate amount of EPA and DHA that are suggested by three highly respected health sources.

Green Protein Derived From Its Original Source In Nature
Our strains of algae are comprised of plant protein after oil extraction and drying. Our proprietary algae growth and production method is optimized to attain the highest protein and EPA oil output available.
The benefits of vegan based protein are plentiful and can have major positive effects of your health over non-vegan protein including improved digestion, boosted metabolism, cardiovascular health, and no added hormones or antibiotics.
Through Research The World Realizes The Benefits of EPA
EPA (eicosapentaenoic acid) is a long-chain omega-3 fatty acid that has been heavily regarded as a major benefit to your health in many ways including:
• Immune health
• Lower risk of cardiovascular disease
• Eases menopause
• Helps reduce pain
• Increased joint health
• And many more

EPA and DHA Are Among The Most Studied Compounds
When it comes to human randomly controlled trials, EPA and DHA, the components that comprise omega-3 oils are the sixth most studied compounds.
Omega-3 fatty acids are polyunsaturated fatty acids essential to human health. According to Mayo Clinic, regular consumption of omega-3 acids can reduce blood pressure, triglycerides, and inflammation of the joints as well as reduce the risk of coronary heart disease and heart failure. On top of that, current research is testing to see if omega-3s can treat psychosocial disabilities and cancer, or even increase cognition and infant brain development.